Nursing 2025

K M Yacob speaker at Global Summit on Nursing and Midwifery
K M Yacob

Marma Health Centre, India


Most people mistake fever for high temperature and take paracetamol to reduce the temperature.Paracetamol will never cure fever. Everyone asks what is the scientific evidence when it says that paracetamol will never cure fever, paracetamol can cause fever and paracetamol is the most dangerous drug for fever.This can be answered by coordinating studies of fever after understanding what is the only thing necessary to create fever and what is the purpose of the fever. An increase in body temperature is not a fever. Fever includes all the things and their activities that occur only when there is a fever. Antipyretics are the only substances needed to induce fever in any organism. Any substance that lowers temperature is a fever stimulant . Because it increases inflammation  and reduces blood flow. Likewise, anything that increases heat reduces fever because it reduces inflammation and increases blood flow. Temperature reducers (antipyretics) can never eliminate fever because hyperthermic agents cannot induce fever and vice versa. Any substance that increases heat reduces all substances and their actions that occur only when there is a fever because it reduces inflammation and increases blood flow. Antipyretic therapy is a necessary and appropriate treatment for hyperthermia and not for fever. There is no similarity between what happens when there is a fever and what happens when there is hyperthermia, and they are contradictory. Paracetamol is a temperature-reducing (antipyretic) fever-stimulant drug. Prostaglandin E2 is a chemical found in excess in the body during a fever. Paracetamol is given to reduce the temperature of a fever by reducing it in the belief that it (prostaglandin E2) is a fever-causing substance. Prostaglandin E2 is not a fever-causing substance. When inflammation reduces blood flow, the immune system produces prostaglandin pge2, which has hyperthermic, anti-inflammatory, and blood flow-enhancing, properties. A fever will never go away by reducing heat/warming substances in the body or by reducing body temperature. Heat or substances like prostaglandin E2, warm weather, and hot water increase blood flow and reduce inflammation, never triggering the immune system to cause a fever. . At the same time,  cold water, weather, illness, and paracetamol increase inflammation and reduce blood flow, so the immune system is forced to increase blood flow, constrict blood vessels to prevent heat loss, produce more substances such as prostaglandin e2, and increases the firing rate of C neurons and decreases the firing rate of W neurons Prostaglandin E2 is found more in the body during a fever, similar to the airbags found in automobiles for passenger safety. Why is paracetamol the most unscientific and dangerous drug for fever?1.Paracetamol destroys all the protective substances our immune system makes when we get sick. It decreases Glutathione, interferon, prostaglandin E2, platelets, WBC, etc ,…2. Paracetamol does not reduce the disease, the cause of the disease or the cause of the fever, it increases them.3.Even for diseases that would have cured themselves due to the action of our immune system, using paracetamol can cause inflammation, reduced blood flow, and death. 4.If the temperature of the fever is reduced by giving paracetamol, the substances produced only during the fever will increase.5.There is not one percent evidence that paracetamol helps the immune system in any way. At the same time, there is 100% evidence that it destroys the immune system. Modern medical textbooks contradict each other that paracetamol causes and reverses fever and increase and decrease inflammation5. Researchers have found that even a single dose of paracetamol can reduce the levels of glutathione, a chemical in the body that reduces inflammation9. Yet paracetamol is classified as an anti-inflammatory. Paracetamol is given again to relieve the fever caused by taking paracetamol5. There is no science or technology like this anywhere in the world. These fundamental errors have led to the treatment of fever with antipyretic agents. Paracetamol has been proven worldwide to cause inflammation and infection. Medical books say that antipyretics cause prolonged infection, which increases death5. This is not a side effect of paracetamol, but its proper function. I discovered  new fever  definition, diagnosis, and  treatment based on true science and a technique that reduces fever temperature in 20 minutes.


A practicing physician in the field of healthcare in the state of Kerala in India for the last 35 years and very much interested in basic research. My interest is spread across the fever, inflammation and back pain. I am a writer. I already printed and published Ten books on these subjects. I wrote hundreds of articles in various magazines. I have published 11 articles on fever in various journals. After scientific studies, we have developed 8000 affirmative cross checking questions. It  can explain all queries related to fever.