Multiple Pregnancy

Multiple Pregnancy

Multiple pregnancy, defined as the conception and development of more than one fetus simultaneously, presents unique challenges and considerations for both expectant mothers and healthcare providers. Multiple pregnancies occur either through the release and fertilization of multiple eggs or the division of a single fertilized egg into two or more embryos. Commonly known as twins, triplets, or higher-order multiples, these pregnancies carry an increased risk of complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and gestational diabetes. Prenatal care for multiple pregnancies typically involves more frequent monitoring, including ultrasound examinations and assessments of maternal and fetal health. Management strategies may include dietary adjustments, bed rest, and interventions to prevent or manage complications.

Keywords: Multiple pregnancies, twins, triplets, higher-order multiples, prenatal care, complications, preterm birth, low birth weight, gestational diabetes, ultrasound examinations, maternal health, fetal health, management strategies.

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