Nanotechnology in Cosmetics & Skin Care

Nanotechnology in Cosmetics & Skin Care

Nanotechnology delves into the study of atoms and molecules on a nanoscale, 80,000 times smaller than a human hair's width. Cosmetic manufacturers harness nanoscale chemicals for enhanced UV protection, skin penetration, prolonged effects, color, and finish improvement. Nanocosmeceuticals offer diverse benefits, achieved through fine-tuning active compound release from carriers based on criteria like component interactions, drug content, ratios, and production methods. These advancements are incorporated into hair care products like shampoos and conditioners, addressing hair loss and graying. Scientists have introduced novel technologies and delivery methods in cosmeceutical production. The utilization of cosmeceuticals is expanding, ushering in innovative delivery approaches that supersede conventional acquisition methods.

  • Phototherapy
  • Follicular Unit Extraction

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