Pancreatitis and Role of Insulin

Pancreatitis and Role of Insulin

Pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas, can impair the organ's ability to produce insulin, leading to disturbances in glucose metabolism and potential development of diabetes. Acute pancreatitis, often triggered by gallstones or excessive alcohol consumption, can cause temporary disruption of insulin production due to pancreatic inflammation. In severe cases, chronic pancreatitis may result in permanent damage to the pancreas, leading to impaired insulin secretion and increased risk of diabetes mellitus. Understanding the role of insulin in pancreatic health and function is essential for managing pancreatitis-related diabetes. Treatment strategies may include exogenous insulin therapy to maintain glycemic control in individuals with impaired insulin secretion. Additionally, lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes and alcohol cessation may help prevent pancreatitis recurrence and preserve pancreatic function. The Pancreatitis and Role of Insulin session at the Diabetes 2024 summit will explore the latest research and interventions aimed at managing diabetes secondary to pancreatitis.

Keywords: pancreatitis, inflammation, insulin, glucose metabolism, diabetes mellitus, pancreatic function, exogenous insulin therapy, glycemic control, lifestyle modifications, pancreatitis recurrence.

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