Nursing Care and Management on Diabetes

Nursing Care and Management on Diabetes

Nursing care and management play a crucial role in supporting individuals with diabetes to achieve optimal health outcomes. Nurses provide comprehensive care, including patient education, medication management, monitoring of blood glucose levels, and assistance with lifestyle modifications. They play a key role in empowering patients to effectively self-manage their condition, emphasizing the importance of adherence to treatment plans, healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and self-monitoring of blood sugar levels. Nurses also play a vital role in identifying and addressing psychosocial issues related to diabetes, providing emotional support and counseling to patients and their families. The Nursing Care and Management on Diabetes session at the Diabetes 2024 summit will highlight best practices in nursing care for diabetes management, with a focus on promoting patient autonomy and improving quality of life.

Keywords: nursing care, diabetes management, patient education, medication management, blood glucose monitoring, lifestyle modifications, self-management, psychosocial support, emotional counseling, and patient autonomy.

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