

Photocatalysis is a highly advanced and innovative process which has gained significant attention in the field of material science and environmental engineering. It involves utilizing light energy to catalyze various chemical reactions on the surface of specially designed semiconductors, known as photocatalysts. By harnessing the power of light, photocatalysis enables the activation of otherwise inert or slow reactions, resulting in increased reaction rates and efficiency. This technology holds immense potential for a wide range of applications, including air purification, water treatment, self-cleaning surfaces, and even energy production through artificial photosynthesis. The mechanism behind this process lies in the ability of photocatalysts to create reactive oxygen species upon exposure to light, which can then effectively degrade organic compounds or break down harmful pollutants into harmless byproducts. With ongoing research efforts aimed at enhancing the efficiency and stability of photocatalytic materials, this promising field is poised to revolutionize various industries by offering sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for environmental challenges.


·         Solar fuels

·         Artificial Photosynthesis

·         Photoelectrocatalysis

·         Environmental photocatalysis

·         Photocatalyst synthesis

·         Insitu, operando characterization

·         Theoretical and computational studies

·         Photocatalytic engineering

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