ISCC 2024

Hend Ahmed Mohamed Ezzat speaker at International Summit on Catalysis and Chemistry
Hend Ahmed Mohamed Ezzat

National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Egypt


Rechargeable Li-ion batteries are among the most promising options for sustainable energy sources (LIBs). These days, grid-energy storage systems, electric vehicles, portable electronics, aerospace, and other industries employ it. Because rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have the potential to replace conventional nickel systems and lower the size and volume of power subsystems, they are a key element in aerospace usage. The technology is being further improved to meet the needs of lengthy cycle lives (like in low earth orbit (LEO) missions) and extended calendar lives (like in geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO) and outer planets missions). Therefore, improving LIBs one of the most effective and widely accessible electrochemical energy storage systems has a significant stake in improving electrode capacity or the energy density, robustness, and safety of electrolytes. Extensive efforts are made to improve the energy density, stability, and safety of electrolytes, or the electrode capacity, as this is one of the most effective and popular electrochemical energy storage methods. Additionally, polymer-metal oxides composite can improve lithium transference number and mechanical strength. To investigate the impact of these composites growth on electrical characteristics and LIB performance, density function theory (DFT) simulations were employed.


Hend Ezzat completed his PhD at the age of 32 years from Ain Shams University. She is the director of spectroscopy and material science, a researcher in Nano Unit, Space Lab, Solar and Space Research Department, National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG). She has published more than 25 papers in reputable journals and has been serving as a reviewer of repute.