Cancer Biology

Cancer Biology

Explore the intricate realm of Cancer Biology, where the complex mechanisms governing the development, progression, and nuances of cancer take center stage. This session offers a detailed examination of the molecular intricacies, genetic aberrations, and environmental influences contributing to the formation of cancerous cells. Uncover the defining hallmarks of cancer, meticulously dissecting the unique characteristics that distinguish malignant cells from their healthy counterparts. From unraveling cellular signaling pathways to understanding the role of the tumor microenvironment, gain a nuanced comprehension of the biological underpinnings steering this complex disease. Join us in navigating through the mysteries of Cancer Biology, exploring the realms of genomic instability, angiogenesis, and the intricate interplay between cancer cells and their surroundings. This session promises a captivating journey into the heart of cancer research, establishing a robust foundation for discussions on groundbreaking therapies and innovations that hold the potential to advance our understanding and treatment of cancer.

Sub tracks:

  • Hallmarks of Cancer
  • Molecular Mechanisms of Oncogenesis
  • Tumor Heterogeneity and Evolution
  • Tumor Microenvironment and Interactions
  • Cancer Cell Behavior and Fate
  • Cancer Biology and Therapy

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