Diabetes Conference 2024

Ulrich Keil speaker at 2nd Global Summit on Diabetes and Endocrinology
Ulrich Keil

University of Münster, USA


Epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, e.g., Munich Blood Pressure Study and Program, worldwide WHO MONICA project, PI MONICA Augsburg. Europe wide EUROASPIRE I, II, III project, member of the SCORE project. Medical studies at the universities of Giessen, Kiel and Heidelberg Training in internal medicine at Enköping`s Hospital in Sweden (1970 1971) and at Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, 1974-1977.Studies in Epidemiology and Public Health at UCLA (MPH 1972) and UNC -Chapel Hill (PhD 1980)

Keynote Speaker Presentation
Title: Gestational diabetes mellitus in association with macrosomia